July 29, 2014 | 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Additional Information

Slow the Flow with Raingardens Workshop: Installation & Finishing Touches

Once the planning is complete it's time for the shovels to hit the dirt. This hands-on field session will cover the basics of installing a raingarden, including: preparing the site, amending the soils, mulching, and planting.

Registration Deadline: July 25

The "Slow the Flow with Raingardens: A FREE workshop series for Rochester residents" is an in-depth workshop to help Rochester residents learn all about rain gardens. These workshop sessions will help participants become more comfortable planning and installing a rain garden. All sessions are free, but space is limited so registrations are required. Contact Megan at 507-328-2440 or mmoeller@rochestermn.gov for more information or to reserve your space.