Last Saturday, I was at the Deer Creek Speedway and a woman approached me. "Hey, James...I have a question about your contests." I heard her question, it made me feel about 78 years old. Check it out...

"OK, so I'm trying to win some of those Valleyfair tickets and I think your phone is broken because it makes a weird noise when I call. Am I supposed to call a different number for contests?"

I asked her to make the noise for me.

"Oh, that's a busy signal...the phone's working, it just means all our lines are busy, You wanna hang up and call again."

-- I've never heard of that before.

"How old are you?"

-- 25.

"Yeah, I suppose you never would have heard it. Phones either ring or go to voicemail."

If you're anywhere near my age, it probably seems weird to hear that question, but think about it. When would she have heard a busy signal EXCEPT when calling the NEW Y-105FM to win a prize? Not calling friends, they're on a cell phone. Not calling a business, they have voice mail.

In case you don't know, here are the basics. This is a busy signal.

And if you get one, you hang up and try your call again.

That's it. Problem solved.

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