2 Reasons Why Same Old Lang Syne IS A Christmas Song (VIDEO)
A couple meets at a grocery store, there's no sleigh-bells, no Santa, no mention of Christ or Baby Jesus. It's not a Christmas song, right? Not so fast, Peggy. Here's why I say it IS a Christmas song.
First, hit play and listen as you read.
1) The very first lyric places it on Christmas Eve.
Met my old lover in the grocery store
The snow was falling, Christmas Eve
I stole behind her in the frozen foods
And I touched her on the sleeve
So there's that. Which I think is pretty definitive.
2) In case you need more....not only is there snow, but how many of us haven't come back home for Christmas. We meet up with family and friends. And, if things work just right...an ex. Maybe THE one that got away. Just like in this song.
BONUS: We play it on Rochester's Christmas Station, so it MUST be a Christmas song. LOL
Extra Bonus: If you love this song, here's another one by Dan Fogelberg that ALWAYS makes me misty.
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 9a on Y-105 FM