5 Reasons Why Half Price Books Needs To Open In Rochester
When my family takes a trip somewhere outside of Rochester, we seem to always be in a town that has this store - Half Price Books. When I start walking to the car with my pile of stuff, I always leave the store wondering, "Why doesn't Rochester have this store?". I'll share my reasons below why I think it should open up here but I also have a way to save you some money on your first purchase at one of these stores (and teachers...a discount for you!)!
Lots of Half Price Books stores open, including six stores up in the Twin Cities, 2 in Iowa and a handful in Wisconsin. According to their website, more stores are opening soon but I really think one of those future locations should include Rochester. Here is why...
5 Reasons Why Half Price Books Needs To Open A Store In Rochester
1) Great way to recycle & make some money! I have so many books that I've read and don't want to keep. I could hold a garage sale and get a quarter for each one but to be honest, I just want to hand these off at once and not hold a huge event at my house for a few quarters. This store will buy your books! Not just books though...they buy so many things. According to their website, their founders coined the phrase, “We buy and sell everything ever printed or recorded (except yesterday’s newspaper).”
2) The selection of books for kids is amazing (and shhh...my kids are learning responsibility!) In my house, we have been through so many different series of books - Harry Potter, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Magic Treehouse - we've read so many. I know the library is available but my kids want that experience of buying something that they can call their own and they are kids, so let's be honest, they don't have $12 to $15 to spend on a new book. Half Price Books gives kids the chance of being able to buy more books than the traditional bookstore AND the chance to make money if they want to sell it back. Learn more about the buyback process here.
3) Video Games & Music is there too! All of my kids have some sort of gaming device...and those games that go with them add up big time! There is a pretty good selection of games at Half Price Books that you can browse through. The music though - no one is really selling CD's or records anymore - so this area of the store is kind of like going to an antique store for my kids. They have no idea what either of those things are but they do walk past them as they check out the video games. When they read about records in their history books...they can see what those are! ;)
4) Crafty Fun Stuff & The Things You Don't Need But Always Buy. I have bought so many Christmas and birthday gifts at Half Price Books because they are just awesome! The craft kits that many of the crafty stores have - they are there. Coloring books for adults and kids that are trending - they are there too. Books of jokes and all sorts of potty humor - yep, all there. They even have the most adorable reading glasses and journals that I have ever seen.
5) They Give Back To The Community! According to their website, Half Price Books works each day to help make the world a little better. That includes their programs of recycling and donating more than a million of their overstock books each year to local nonprofits and organizations around the world. They have already donated over 500,000 books in 2018 and in 2017, they donated 1 million books! I know school just got out but teachers, you get a discount here too. Seriously. As a daughter of a Kindergarten teacher, I know those extra pennies help because you are spending some of your own cash for your classrooms. Learn more about all the ways Half Price Books is giving back and that discount here!
Coupon: It is super easy to get a coupon for your first purchase! Get to the main page of their website (click here), scroll to the bottom and sign up for their newsletter. BAM! You just saved some money. :)
Who else wants this amazing store to come to Rochester? I know I'll be chatting this store up on social media. If you want to join me in the conversation, find me on Facebook and send me a message!
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