If you had any buyer's remorse from Amazon Prime Days, hopefully that is gone by now.  And, hopefully, you actually got your packages too.  Between the porch pirates that are popping up and the interesting "packaging" that I'm seeing at my house, I'm amazed that one of ours even showed up.  Psst...to help with the porch pirate issue, the tips below should help keep your new items safe.

Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

What's up with the Amazon "Packages" Lately?

You probably already heard about the packaging changes that Amazon is implementing.  If not, you will definitely notice this change by the end of the year.  According to USAToday.com, Amazon is reducing its plastic consumption by removing the plastic fillers that are inside boxes and replacing it with paper.  Grove Collaborative is another company that has adopted this paper filler strategy and I love getting the paper filler because I can reuse it for wrapping paper.  Just fold it or roll it up and wait until you need it.

Why Is My Address Handwritten on This Amazon Package?

Besides the paper filler change, we had some weird stuff happen with the latest Amazon Prime deliveries.  No idea if anyone else had this happen but one of our boxes had a green ribbon tied around it.

Jessica On The Radio - TSM
Jessica On The Radio - TSM

Another box had our address handwritten on it.  No packing label.  Someone grabbed a black Sharpie and just wrote on the box.  This was one package that was majorly late compared to when it was supposed to show up.  The delay was blamed on the latest CrowdStrike issue, but I think it was because someone wrote our address with a Sharpie.

Jessica On The Radio - TSM
Jessica On The Radio - TSM

Top Tips To Keep Packages in Minnesota Safe From Porch Pirates

According to CNBC.com, online sales in the United States for Amazon Prime Days hit a record-breaking $14.2 billion this year and because of that, the porch pirates are scoping our homes.  Forbes.com revealed that thefts from our porches is now considered an epidemic in America with 67% of us having items stolen at least once.

If you've ever dealt with porch pirates in Minnesota or are looking for ways to help keep them away, the tips below are great and recommended by a ton of people.

Helpful Tips To Keep Packages Safe From Porch Pirates

In 2022, over 260 million packages were stolen by porch pirates. I knew the problem was bad but didn't realize how explosive this crime has gotten throughout the years.

Next time you order something, try these tips to help keep your packages safe from thieves like porch pirates.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

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Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

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