Brooks O'Brian

Top 5 Dog Names In Minnesota. Is Yours Here?
Over half of this nations homes have a dog in them. Here are the Top 5 Dog Names In Minnesota. Is Yours Here?

Does Working From Home Make You a Loser?
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frye was speaking at the Minneapolis Downtown Council's Annual meeting this week. Does Working From Home Make You a Loser?

Long-time Minnesota Insurance Provider Makes Large-Scale Lays Offs
Growing up in Minnesota I vividly remember my Mom taking me to all my doctor checkups. That Long-time Minnesota Insurance Provider Now Makes Large-Scale Lays Offs

Want to Get Away? Rent Your Own Island in Minnesota!
Want to Get Away? Rent Your Own Island in Minnesota! How much would you be willing to pay to rent an entire island? It'll cost less then you think!

5 Famous Celebrities. They’re All From Minnesota!
Being from Minnesota, we all know that the state has created some pretty awesome people...if we do say so ourselves. Here's 5 Famous Celebrities From Minnesota!

Love This Breakfast Convenience? Thank a Minnesotan!
Sometimes we take things for granted, not realizing what we've got. Like this now common kitchen convenience. Thank a Minnesotan!

5 Unexpected Ways Minnesotans Can Use Aluminum Foil to Clean!
"I love to clean"....said no one ever. So when there are shortcuts, why not take them? 5 Unexpected Ways Minnesotans Can Use Aluminum Foil to Clean!

5 Amazing Uses for Hairspray in MN That Don’t Involve Hair
Hairspray has been used over the years for many different kinds of hairstyles. See these 5 Amazing Uses for Hairspray That Don't Involve Hair.

Meant to Be! One Last Bench Memorialized in Eleventh Hour.
For the past 15 years the Minnesota State Fair has had a bench and table program in place. Meant to Be! One Last Bench Memorialized in Eleventh Hour.

Uncover The Beauty Of Minnesota: Is This the Most Beautiful Place?
Uncover The Beauty Of Minnesota. From stunning lakes to picturesque state parks, MN's a haven for nature lovers. Does this place stands out as the crown jewel?