Family Picnics and Pizza-in-the-Vines Coming to Pine Island
Imagine this...a beautiful Summer day, you ride out to Pine Island on the Douglas Trail. You turn, you come upon the SXSE brewery, and you see people having picnics and pizza in the vineyard! Pizzas the picnickers just cooked!
Pretty sweet image isn't it? A ton of people are working to make that come true, thanks to the visions of Tessa Leung and Ann Fahy-Gust, the power behind SXSE, - South By Southeast Minnesota Brewing in Pine Island.
But wait...there's more. A grill so you can bring the food out, grab a recipe card, and go to the garden to get your herbs and spices. You HAVE To hear their plans. It'll make you hungry and thirsty at the same time!
From Pizza in the Vines, to how they're making sure they don't add waste to our rivers, please, click play.

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