HBO Is Working on a ‘Game of Thrones’ Prequel About House Targaryen
HBO is reportedly working on a Game of Thrones prequel that's all about House Targaryen, and quite frankly—we're in.
As Variety reports, the television network is in the process of greenlighting a new series thats plot would be based off Fire and Blood, a companion book GoT author George RR Martin published last November detailing the lives of Daenerys' (and Jon Snow's) ancestors, Aegon the Conqueror—Westeros' very first king. This show is rumored to take place 300 years before the story told in the original, award winning show.
This isn't the only spinoff currently in the works at HBO. The network has already greenlit a prequel currently being referred to as The Long Night that is set thousands of years before Game of Thrones and documents a winter that lasted a generation where the White Walkers nearly wiped out all of humanity. This period of time is called The Age of Heroes, and Naomi Watts is set to play the lead role. That series will also give more insight into the White Walkers' origin story and the Starks history.
Though it's easy to get excited about an expanded Game of Thrones universe, don't start marking your calendar just yet. HBO doesn't want to air anything GoT related until at least a year after the finale aired. Hopefully they'll nail the ending of these series better than they did the original.
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