Guest Blogger Rose Neis – World Record Napkin Folder and Baby Holder #FestivalOfTrees
Every year you hear about the Festival of Trees (the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday after Thanksgiving). But do you know where your money goes? The money they raise goes to Hiawatha Homes, and so, for the next few days, we'll be featuring guest bloggers from Hiawatha. Today, meet Rose.
"Hi, my name is Rose Neis and I love to shop in my free time. I work at Possabilities and my favorite job is to go to Madonna Towers and fold napkins. I think I have the record for the most napkins folded in a shift! I use an IPAD as my primary way to communicate with my family, co-workers, staff and friends. I select a button and it speaks for me. In addition to my IPAD, I use gestures to help explain what I am trying to say to others.
I was born with Cerebral Palsy, or CP for short. This is a condition that causes my muscle coordination to be impaired. CP is typically caused by damage to the brain before or at birth. My family is a big part of my life, they include me in everything. I love getting together for holidays and especially family gatherings like weddings and baby showers. I really like to hold babies!" (Written in 2016)
The Festival of Trees is coming the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday after Thanksgiving! Click HERE to sere what's new for kids this year!
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