Happy Birthday to Gayle Sample, Minnesota’s Best Known Face!
It is hard to believe a year has passed, but here we are, May 22, lighting the candles for Gayle's cake once again. She sure has good genes, you'd never know Gayle's 61 this year, but then there's a lot we don't know about ms Sample.
Where did she come from? Does she have a license to be on the license? What does she do in her spare time? She's retired, now, so does she travel the country making guest appearances as America's Favorite Sample?
Maybe, more importantly, how did her son get his new job?
Was there some nepotism involved? What are the odds Gayle's son Avery would pick up the gig? And when do we get to know more about him? The State of Minnesota has some work to do.
Fortunately, Avery's birthday isn't for a while yet, so we have time to get him a gift.
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