It's Day 5 of the Minnesota State Fair, and I stumbled upon an interesting article that one of my 'friends' on Facebook posted, it was about who statistically does not attend the Minnesota State Fair. So what age group of the population doesn't attend the fair as compared to the statistical make-up of the #BoldNorth? Times up, that would be grandma and grandpa.

The senior population (age 65+) in Minnesota is about 14.6% according to, and Minneapolis/St. Paul magazine interviewed State Fair CEO Jerry Hammer and found that only of that age demographic "12.5% attend the State Fair." It's ironic that I found that article today on what is labeled at "Senior Day" at the fair.

Hammer told Minneapolis/St Paul magazine that all other age demographics in Minnesota turn out to the State Fair in numbers greater than they are represented as by the census.

It didn't seem to hurt fair attendance in terms of records last year because 2,046,533 people attended Minnesota State Fair, which was a new attendance record. This year is also shaping up to be a big year as so far 691,179 through Sunday have attended, even if you aren't bringing along grandma and grandpa.

The age group that is most likely to attend the fair? Minnesotans age 45-54 at 19.7%. 


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