How Minnesotans Can Find Out If They’re Registered To Vote
If you've already been on Facebook today, you might have seen a notification that today is the final day to register to vote during Primary Election Day on August 14th. And if you're like me, you've probably thought to yourself, "Wait, am I registered to vote? I'm pretty sure I am, right?" Luckily, it's super easy and takes less than a minute to find out. I'll even walk you through it.
- Go to the Minnesota Secretary of State website
- Enter your name, date of birth, and zip code
- That's it
Boom. Done. And it turns out I am registered, so I'm all set. But for anyone out there who just discovered that they aren't registered to vote, want more information on where to vote, or details about the local candidates running in Rochester, Olmsted County, or the state of Minnesota, we put together an easy-to-read local election guide just for you!
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