It’s Here! The Preview For The Last Jedi!
Rey's saga continues this December, with the next installment of the new Star Wars trilogy!
There had never been anything like it before.
Growing up, I was a huge Star Wars fan. I still am. It's sci-fi, but it's adventure, too. As a kid, I thought it was cool that it was about Luke Skywalker.
Since The Force Awakens, and even more since Carrie Fisher's death, it's cool to see Star Wars not just as a boy's adventure. As a dad with a daughter, I pay attention to role models for my girl as I do for my boys.
Right now, though, Bella is more interested in Keeping Up With The Kardashians than following the adventures of Princess Leia or Rey in Star Wars.
My son, Justin, is a huge Prequel Trilogy fan. I feel so sorry for him. I hope that one day he discovers on his own that the Original Trilogy is light-years better. No Hayden Christiansen, and no Jar Jar Binks.
The next film in the current trilogy, The Last Jedi, is in theaters in December. Here's a preview to get all excited over.
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