If you're like me, you don't like how early it gets dark now. Daylight Saving Time is an outdated standard that for some reason we can't get them to change.

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It's especially tough living in the Twin Ports when not only is it darker earlier, but it's also colder too.  For me, it's a pure energy sucker and I feel extra tired by 5 or so each evening.

There are ways to combat the winter blues or Seasonal Affective Disorder, but you need to put in a little effort to fight it.

Exercising more is a good solution, but for me, probably the hardest to incorporate into my schedule.  Yes, I do have time, but no, I don't feel like it when again, it's dark so much.  Still, even a half hour of exercise a few times a week can make a huge difference on how we handle the winter blues.

I'm not big on tanning beds unless I'm planning a Mexico trip so I'm a little seasoned for the sunlight, but they can help when it's dark out.  Even ten minutes in a tanning bed can significantly reenergize you when the darkness has you feeling like you're walking in syrup.

Therapy lamps aren't very expensive and come in many shapes and sizes.  They emit a simulated sunlight and can make a huge difference.  For thirty or so bucks you can get one roughly the size of a tablet that can sit on your desk and help your body absorb the good vibes.

How do you fight the winter blues when it hits you hard?