New Rules Now in Place for Shoppers at Minnesota Walmart Stores
If you love saving a bunch of money at Walmart stores in Minnesota, prices are still pretty low but a big change has happened that could impact your shopping experience...and bottom line.
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Big Change at Minnesota Walmart Stores Could Impact Your Next Shopping Experience
When my kids were little, to put it simply, life was challenging. I was learning how to be a first-time mom in Minnesota, in a place where I had zero family to help. "Creating a home" was important and I had to do all the mom things while also trying to be on a budget. I was in my early 20's and had NO clue how to do anything mom-related and knew very few people I could ask advice to. Thankfully, I met some amazing women who showed me some money-saving tips at a group called MOPS. Lifesaver! These women were phenomenal AND they were actually making money at the grocery store.
I learned the art of saving money at the grocery store by using coupons. Now, from all of the coupon cutting that I did on the weekends for my mom when I was a kid, I should have learned this art by osmosis already. What I didn't realize was that you could actually figure out ways to get money BACK from the store with coupons. I wasn't a pro at it but I saved my family tons of cash this way for a few years. My receipts were SOOOOO long!
According to couponinthenews.com, quite a few changes are in place at Walmart stores and the way that I shopped a few years ago is no longer allowed. Here are the changes that they mentioned in their latest story:
- Change #1 - If you have a coupon for a product and the price of the product is less than the coupon amount, you get that difference. In other words, you make money. Not anymore.
- Change #2 - At times, you could also use duplicate coupons in a transaction. Not anymore. There is a "limit of 4 identical coupons per household per day".
- Change #3 - The register is now in charge. If a register things that a coupon you are trying to use is invalid, it will not let you use it.
- Change #4 - Paper coupons are accepted but only for purchases made in the store. Online, delivery and pickup orders are not valid.
Those are just a few of the changes that people are chatting about in the coupon world. If you'd love to dive in deeper, check out Coupons In The News.
A Huge Thanks to Those Who Have Been Shopping My Walmart Order The Past 10 Months...
I do have to give a shoutout to those shopping for online orders. YOU have been a lifesaver. My husband has been sick for about 10 months and there are so many moments when I am just too exhausted or don't have any more minutes in a day to go to a store to shop for my family. To those shopping and to those who deliver the groceries to my house sometimes, you are amazing and I appreciate you more than you'll ever know. Thank you.

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