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Your Wednesday morning commute could be a little difficult. The Minnesota Department of Transportation is reporting slush-covered roads in Southeast Minnesota. Allow yourself some extra time to reach your destination safely.

The National Weather Service says, "Strong, gusty winds will continue through Wednesday with gusts likely reaching 40 to 50 mph, especially across open, unsheltered areas. Combined with falling snow, travel may be difficult in some areas."

Here are the school closings, delays, and other cancellations across the Rochester and Southern Minnesota area for Wednesday, April 3, 2024:


Fillmore Central Schools - Closed

Fillmore County DAC - Closed

Houston Schools - Closed (Virtual Learning Day)

Howard-Winneshiek Schools - Closed

Howard-Winneshiek Schools - Closed

Lanesboro Public Schools -Closed

Mabel-Canton Schools - Closed

Riceville Schools - 2 Hours Late

Rushford-Peterson Schools - Closed

Spring Grove Schools - Closed

Winona Public Schools - 2 Hours Late

This list will be updated with new information as it becomes available.

Snowiest Cities & Towns In Minnesota

What Minnesota cities get the most snow each winter? Here are the 20 snowiest Minnesota towns according to data from NOAA spanning from 1991-2020.

Gallery Credit: Nick Cooper