Joe, the 2nd Street Flag Waving Guy – Holiday Update! (Watch)
If you're new to Rochester, please, let me introduce you to Joe, the Second Street Flag Waving Guy. He stands on 2nd Street, waves flags, dresses in all kinds of fun outfits, and every time I see him, he makes me smile. Like today...
I was driving by, and did the usual honk honk honk, big wave! Then I noticed he looked like he might be celebrating Thanksgiving with his outfit. But upon closer inspection, he was celebrating EVERYTHING Sunday!
From his toes to his double topped top (two hats!), Joe has something on for almost every holiday. And his energy is so infectious!
So, next time you're driving down 2nd Street, and you see Joe, the 2nd Street Flag Waving Guy., give him a honk or a holler! He'd love to know he made you smile.
Meet the Newest Member of the Team: Jessica!
James snuck up on Jessica as she was on air Tuesday and rolled right in the Y-105FM studio. Watch the video and learn more about who you are listening to from 10am until 2pm during the week!
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