May Cool Classroom – Triton’s Michelle Spitzack
You know you've found an amazing teacher when her students race to give her a group will love Michelle Spitzack!
Luann Kellogg nominated Michelle Spitzack saying,
Mrs. Spitzack has been teaching for over 30 years and still teaches with passion and love for each and every one of her students.
She has a very diverse class with different children coming and going out of her classroom throughout the year, She not only manages to keep all the kids on track with their learning objectives, she also teaching them kindness and acceptance of one another.
I couldn't ask for a better teacher for my daughter and I am thankful for her everyday. She has helped my daughter learn how to read and made it possible for me to watch my 5 year old read to my 96 year old grandma - That is something that can never be replaced.
Michelle receives a $50 Target gift card from Sylvan Learning of Rochester, and is now in the running for the Cool Classroom of the year and a $500 Target Gift Card from Sylvan.
After the presentation, Luann and I talked in the hall.