Mayo Clinic Proves I Need A Window In My Studio…And So Do You!
Do you work in a space with no windows to the outdoors? Me, too. I have a little "sunshine" light, but I've always wished for a real window. If you feel the same, we now have Mayo Clinic to back us up!
According to news from a collab between the Well Living Lab, Mayo Clinic and Delos, offices with windows providing natural light and views of outside, help our brains do their thing AND make us more satisfied.
Cognitive function improved when participants had access to daylight and view in their office area. Specifically, their ability to hold and manipulate items in memory...Eyestrain also lessened when employees had access to daylight and view from the windows... Environmental satisfaction also improved with window access. (Source)
So my space...
Or yours, let's get a window in here people! If I get mine first, you are welcome to a Window Warming Party! BYOB and HD (Hot Dish).
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 9a on Y-105 FM