This is definitely concerning. A new study is examining the areas with the highest formaldehyde cancer risk.

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According to this new report from ProPublica, formaldehyde 'causes more cancer than any other toxic chemical in the air' and is emitted from cars, trucks and the like.

Formaldehyde can also, according to this report, form in the atmosphere. Even if you live in the sticks, you could still be at risk.

They laid out the areas most at risk in each state, including in Minnesota. Here's what they found...

surgeon standing with arms fold across chest

According to their findings, there are eighteen zip codes that are at the highest risk. The good news is Duluth wasn't anywhere to be found on this list.

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The bad news is that there were several Minnesota areas that are at high risk, with most being in Minneapolis, including the following:

Minneapolis, 55337

Minneapolis, 55401

Minneapolis, 55402

Minneapolis, 55403

Minneapolis, 55404

Minneapolis, 55406

Minneapolis, 55413

Minneapolis, 55414

Minneapolis, 55415

Minneapolis, 55417

Minneapolis, 55418

Minneapolis, 55454

Minneapolis, 56001

Minneapolis, 56560

St. Paul, 55101

St. Paul, 55107

Columbia Heights, 55421

Mankato, 56001


By the way, formaldehyde causes more health issues than cancer. It has been linked to many other serious diseases and illnesses, including asthma and fertility issues, among others.

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If you are curious about your own particular address or neighborhood, you are able to type it into a search bar and see the statistics around your home. It is pretty eye-opening.

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