Minnesota: Meet Your Newest Bald Eagle

St Paul (KROC AM News) - Minnesota has just gained another bald eagle.
The Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources says the eaglet hatched Friday in the nest that is part of the agency’s EagleCam program this year.
The egg is one of two that were laid during the coldest weather of the winter.
The first arrived on Feb.15th and the second one showed up five days later. Some years, three eggs are laid and single eggs are also possible.
The eaglets will grow rapidly over the next several weeks and if they survive, will likely fledge in about three months.
Here is more bald eagle info from the DNR:
Once pushed to the brink of extinction, the Bald Eagle has made a powerful comeback since the pesticide DDT was banned in the early 1970s. Minnesota has more Bald Eagles than any other state in the lower 48 states.
Are the adult eagles male or female?
The only visible physical difference between adult male and female American Bald eagles is their size. Females are about 1/3 larger than the males - the females have especially larger feet and beaks. Both parents incubate the eggs and switch several times a day. With this pair, the female appears to have a brighter, whiter head than the male.
Places to see Bald Eagles
An eagle camera is a great way of getting a close-up view of nature without even leaving home. But if you live in the Twin Cities or elsewhere in Minnesota, there are lots of places outdoors such as state parks where you can watch eagles and other wildlife, and do fun things like catch fish, paddle a canoe, and more.
Minnesota's wintering bald eagles
Each year, the Mississippi River valley becomes a migration corridor for many species of waterfowl, raptors, and shorebirds moving through from their northern summer homes to warmer southern wintering grounds. During this time, southeastern Minnesota is host to significant numbers of bald eagles making their way south. Hundreds of bald eagles prefer to overwinter in the Red Wing and Wabasha areas near the Mississippi River, where the current of the inflowing Chippewa River maintains open water throughout the winter.
The eagles begin to congregate in early November, with the best viewing opportunities in December through March. Mornings and evenings unmated adult and juvenile eagles can be seen soaring and diving for fish. During the day, they typically perch on tall trees at the river's edge.
Check here for summer viewing sites.
There are a few bald eagle nests in the immediate Rochester area. A certain owl nest has also been drawing crowds of humans in recent weeks.
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