MN American Legion Nationally Recognized for Local School Support
The headline on The American Legion's website is, "Minnesota Post's Support for Local Students on Full Display" and wow, is it!
According to the American Legion,
For the seniors at Byron High School in Byron, Minn., the 2019-2020 school year won’t end as they’d envisioned...But because of members of Byron American Legion Post 119, the graduating seniors have been honored publicly, for all of the community to see. More than 150 flags decorate the grass in front of the post, along with “GO BEARS” spelled out in large painted letters.
A very nice detail is each flagpole is dedicated with a label to each student. After graduation, the students will receive the flags.The plan is to make this a tradition.
The Legion's story named Post 119's Finance Officer Gordon Bishop as the guy heading up the operation. He was joined by Post 119 Commander Carl DeWaard and Legionnaires Chuck Krueger, Troy Landsverk and Terry Severson.
National recognition for their dedication to Byron students...well done. You are just another reason we have a great place to live and work here in Southeast Minnesota.
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