“More Poise, Less Noise” in 2020!
Remember how The Rock was thinkin' about runnin' for President?
It's been about a week now since word broke that Dwayne Johnson admitted he's thinking about throwing his hat in the ring, and launching a Presidential campaign.
I remember well, the last actor we had in the White House. Our 40th President of the '80's, Ronald Reagan.
Anyway, The Rock hosted Saturday Day Live's season finale. It was his fifth time hosting. He was inducted into the Fifth Timers Club. He also confessed that if he were running for President, his slogan would be, "More poise, less noise". Would you vote for The Rock is he were seriously running?
This all may be a gag. Even his choice of a running mate. We've already had one actor in the White House, sure. But Reagan was Governor of California. He had experience from being in public office.
But really, would you vote for this ticket?
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