New Survey Totally Nails Minnesota’s Favorite Comfort Food
Remember a few years ago when a national survey said grape salad was Minnesota's favorite Thanksgiving dish? Yeah, not so much. Which is why this new survey listing favorite comfort foods TOTALLY nails it.
The crew over at WalletHub has been busy this fall crunching the numbers when it comes to overweight and obesity rates across all 50 states. And, good news, Minnesota-- we're ranked 46th out of 50 when it comes to obesity! That's pretty good! In fact, only Massachusetts, Washington D.C., Colorado, Hawaii, and Utah ranked as less obese than Minnesota. And, we were also ranked near the bottom of states with the highest blood pressure too.
But tucked inside that same survey was a list of each state's Most Popular Comfort Food. And, unlike that survey from a few years ago (actually, I think it was an article in the New York Times, but whatever) that said we liked grape salad (whatever THAT is) here in Minnesota, THIS survey totally has our favorite comfort nailed: Tater Tot Hotdish.
And that totally makes sense, because it's totally Minnesota, isn't it? Tater Tot Hotdish IS something Minnesotans have been comfort-eating for decades now. Heck, when Al Franken was still one of Minnesota's U.S. Senators, he even started the Minnesota Congressional Delegation Hot Dish-Off spurred by his love of uniquely-Minnesota dish.
We appear to be the only state where that Minnesota delicacy is the favorite, however. Over in my home state of Wisconsin, the favorite comfort food is fried cheese curds (which also makes sense.) Down in Iowa, it's the loose meat sandwich, which is, of course, best if you get one at Maid-Rite.
Now, of course, Tater Tot Hotdish might be our favorite comfort food, but keep scrolling to check out some other foods that are totally Minnesota as well. How many have YOU tried?
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