Old Farmer’s Almanac Makes November 2020 Weather Predictions

The Old Farmer's Almanac has released its 2020 November predictions and it looks like winter will really come at us full force.
Of course, October of 2020 has brought us several periods of snow but November is looking to be a little bit more active, according to the Old Farmer's Almanac. Here's what they are forecasting for the new month:
From the first of November to the seventh, we will see rain turning to snow. It will also be sunny before turning cold later on near the end of the period.
From November 8th through the 11th, we can expect a slight break from the dramatic winter weather, with sunshine and mild conditions.
From November 12th through the 16th, we will see rain turning to snow. Near the end of that period, we will see snow turning to flurries and cold temperatures.
Following the 16th through the 26th, winter will come back in full force, bringing snow showers and cold conditions once again. We will round out the month with flurries and mild conditions.
Thankfully, we will see temperatures around 29 degrees, which is about average. We will also see more snowfall than usual for November.
This isn't too shocking if you've been following the National Weather Service lately. The NWS reports that we will see a La Niña winter season, which means more frequent cold snaps and more snow than usual for the Northland area. Thankfully, after the October we've had in the Twin Ports, we will be fully ready for winter and all that it brings.
(By the way, the National Weather Service of the Twin Cities says we will see a warm-up in early November so we are holding on to that, even if it means the Old Farmer's Almanac is a little bit off. Ha!)
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