Our life experiences may have affected how we choose to decorate our homes for the Christmas holiday. Did you grow up with the whole family headed to the tree farm to choose the perfect tree for the holiday season? Maybe it's an important tradition for you to carry on with your family; Choosing the tree, bringing it home together, and then spending time decorating your tree as a family.

Or did you have a different experience? Perhaps you were 10 years old when you realized that people put real trees in their homes for the holidays? Maybe you have great memories of getting the tree box out of the attic and putting it together in the warm comfort of your cozy home. Whatever your experience, whether it was good or bad, may have had an effect on what type of tree you prefer today.

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When it comes to your Christmas tree, what do you prefer?

  • Artificial...for sure. ~Debby
  • Artificial. I have kids and a cat. It's too big of a mess to have real. ~Dezarae
  • Both. We do a real tree for our main tree but have an artificial tree for our
  • basement family room. ~Lynn
  • Artificial. My kids are allergic to pine trees. ~Tammy
  • One of each, and a few small ones too. ~Julie
  • For so long, artificial. Last year was real, and probably real from now on. ~Lori
  • Artificial. ~ Tonia
  • Both. ~Vicki
  • Real. ~Ed
  • Neither- Have not put up a tree in years. Jeff
  • Real! -Kim
  • Artificial Christmas Tree - Janelle
  • Real - Kim
  • I've only ever had artificial- Chelsie
  • I prefer real for nostalgia's sake, but I'm not home enough to take care of it fake it is.  ~Kelly
  • I like real...but we still have an artificial tree.  ~Paul


It's hard to say what Minnesotans prefer. We are a state filled with Christmas tree farms and many of us want to support those businesses. However, many folks prefer real but still have artificial ones for a variety of reasons.


If you want to find a real tree for your home this year, check out the story by clicking here for local tree farms.


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