Record-Breaking 2019 for Organ, Tissue, and Eye Donation!
This is such good news! LifeSource coordinated the most organ, eye and tissue donations in their 30-year history. So many thanks have to go to people willing to be organ donors. With a simple box check you could save many lives when you pass.
According to LifeSource, the organ procurement organization for the upper Midwest, in 2019 they coordinated the donation process for:
· 206 organ donors (a 13 percent increase from 2018)
· 631 donated organs (a 13 percent increase from 2018)
· 786 tissue donors (a 17 percent increase from 2018)
· 567 eye donors (a 240 percent increase from 2018)
In our 30-year history, LifeSource has cared for over 17,000 families, including the wife and daughters of Tom Schultz – who was honored during the December 9 Minnesota Vikings halftime show. Tom was a statistician for the Minnesota Vikings for 25 years who suffered a fatal brain aneurysm at age 56. In his death and through his decision to become an organ donor, Tom provided the miracle of life for Quinton Jones, a native of Bermuda who traveled to the Mayo Clinic in hopes of receiving a life-saving heart and liver transplant.
A big change from the past is people that have received transplants can donate. Also, people with some cancers, Hep C, and the HIV virus are able to donate. That's mind blowing to me, but in some cases, the donors illness doesn't transplant to the recipient.
As a kidney recipient (from my sister in 2012!), I am so happy for the increase, but there are more than 3,200 people in Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota waiting to receive a life-saving transplant.
Please, spread the word...check the box (and if you do, please make sure your family knows).
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 9a on Y-105 FM