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You see the commercials all the time...for products that'll magically make your teeth whiter. Just turn on the light, scrub with charcoal, or whatever. Do they work? We got in touch with the recent Townie Award Winner, Dr. Collins from Collins Orthodontics to find out.

Whitening lights, charcoal toothpaste...banana peels and spices...do these work to whiten your teeth?

Dr. Collins - A great question...with tooth whitening lights. I see those all over the place. It's actually not whitening lights that are really whitening the teeth. It's the hydrogen peroxide within the gel and the light is just an activator of some sort.

Charcoal toothpaste is one of those things. People kind of misinterpret what it's actually being used for. I think a lot of people it's going to whiten your teeth. Actually, it's just removing a stain layer. And when overused, we see people actually wear down the enamel on their teeth.

Uh, so we see a lot of that kind of stuff. And then we see some wild things on there. People are putting spices in their mouth, they're doing banana peels.

I'm just gonna go ahead and say...don't bother with spices and banana peels. But don't take my word for it, hit play.

Click here for a complete automatic transcript.

Did you know Dr. Collins is a legit TikTok star? It's true.

Looking for the cringe-worthy TikToks? I'm not saying this one is, but IF it is one that is, it sure is.

As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com

Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams Weekday from 6 - 10 AM on Y-105 FM

You are now equipped with facts about tooth whiteners...and that's good news. Well, did you know we have a whole section here for Good News stories? We find them and publish them because we know we all need a reminder about how we are good people, its' the times that are wild.

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Lots of good is happening in our world, even as we are all in the middle of a pandemic. If you are searching for some positivity right now, you came to the right spot. Here are the top 20 good news stories for 2021 so far.

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