Rochester Roosters Base Ball!
On the last day of Rochesterfest, come out and enjoy an old fashioned game of baseball, something really different and fun for the whole family. A different type of baseball!
I have been a regular Roosters fan since, 2000, (wow, that is 15 years). Another fun fact about the Roosters is that all the players get to choose a special name, for example, my husband is “Pig Pen.” (because he could never keep his white shirt clean!)
According to the website,
Celebrating playing Base Ball since 1997. The Roosters and Hens presented by the History Center of Olmsted County play base ball (yes, in 1860 it was two words) in period uniforms, using replica bats and balls and following the 1860 rule book.
Their home field is Schmitt Field on the History Center grounds. Call Mary Jane Schmitt 288-3570 or 282-9447 for more information. Recruits are always welcome. The Roosters and Hens are members of the Vintage Base Ball Association (VBBA).
“Like” The Roosters on Facebook for game updates!
Sunday, June 28, 2015 – Rochesterfest; Schmitt Field, Rochester, MN
Hens vs Chicks exhibition match, 4:30 pm
The Roosters vs Rochester Roadrunners, 6 pm
Trader Joe’s Root Beer Floats
OMC SMAP Clinics
Concessions available
Raffle Drawing – need not be present to win
Bring your lawn chairs, sit right in the outfield and cheer on the Rochester Roosters!
Be careful, if you get caught using inappropriate language,you might be fined two bits!