Looking at life through the eyes of a child, one of the best things ever is going to a parade.  Kids have learned through the years that a parade = candy.  Yes, you are probably seeing other items like stickers, bottles of water, and even cans of soda given away but kids want the candy!

One of the biggest parades in Southeast Minnesota during the summer is the Rochesterfest parade in Rochester, Minnesota.  Below is everything you need to know, including the parade route, about this annual event in the Med City.

32 Items That Are Better Than Tootsie Rolls at Minnesota Parades

Townsquare Media Rochester/Preston
Townsquare Media Rochester/Preston

Everything you need to know about the Rochesterfest parade in Rochester, Minnesota

It's almost time for the Rochesterfest parade!  If you are planning on venturing out to enjoy the huge variety of floats and hear the bands play at Rochesterfest, below is everything you need to know about the big day.

  • When is the parade? - Rochesterfest parade is on Saturday, June 29th, 2024
  • Parade route - if you've been to the Rochesterfest parade in the past, the route should look similar.
  • Parade Start Time - 2:00 pm is when the parade fun starts in Rochester, Minnesota
  • What is the theme this year? According to the Rochesterfest website, the 2024 theme is "Live Your Dream"
Townsquare Media Rochester/Preston
Townsquare Media Rochester/Preston

How To Find Out If The Rochesterfest Parade Is Cancelled Due to Inclement Weather

We have had a bit of a rainy start to our summer and I know the thought of rain during the Rochesterfest parade has crossed my mind.  Sadly, severe storms have hit Rochester at the exact time of the parade in the past and the celebration has had to be canceled.  Fingers crossed that isn't the case this year.

Hopefully, Mother Nature will bring us sunshine and gorgeous weather on parade day.  If she decides to throw a fit and the parade does get canceled, we will have the news up on our app ASAP.  If you don't have it downloaded yet, all the local news is available to you for free.  Get it now here.

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Who is the Grand Marshal This Year for Rochesterfest?

Exciting news was just announced about the Grand Marshal for the 2024 Rochesterfest parade.  Huge congrats to Nick Stageberg on this huge honor.  Read more about Nick and his accomplishments at the story on Minnesota Now.

Learn More About the Grand Marshal for the Rochesterfest Parade

Full List of Events for Rochesterfest 2024

Lots of fun activities and events are happening at Rochesterfest in 2024 from June 22nd until June 30th.  See all of the fun waiting for you to enjoy at Rochesterfest.com.

32 Items People Actually Want to Get at Parades Rather than Tootsie Rolls

Summer is here and with that are lots and lots of parades for you to enjoy. But, let's be real for a minute, no one wants any more Tootsie Rolls. If you are a company in a parade, read that again...NO ONE WANTS YOUR TOOTSIE ROLLS! Here's what we would rather see you throw at us at the parade.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

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