Shawshank Redemption Back in Theaters in Rochester One Day Only
Considering the number of times I've seen it, heard stories about it, and listened to friends recite lines from it, I'm kinda surprised it is only the 25th Shawshank Redemption Anniversary. If it were a person, it'd out of college and sleep-deprived from the new baby in the house.
If you never saw it on the big screen, you'll have one chance to see it there in Rochester. One day, one show, that's it.
- 25th Anniversary Showing
- Marcus Theaters, 4340 Main Ave SW
- Sunday, September 22nd, at 4 PM.
After 25 years, it's hard to imagine it was a disappointment when it first came out. Good reviews, but it just didn't kick but at the box office.
While The Shawshank Redemption received positive reviews on its release, particularly for its story and the performances of Robbins and Freeman, it was a box office disappointment, earning only $16 million during its initial theatrical run. Many reasons were cited for its failure at the time, including competition from films such as Pulp Fiction and Forrest Gump, to the general unpopularity of prison films, lack of female characters, and even the title, which was considered to be confusing for audiences. (Source)
Since then, its come to be considered one of the greatest, if not THE, greatest prison movie ever filmed. Tho, according to Wiki, it wasn't always easy on the actors...
(Morgan) Freeman described filming as tense, saying, "Most of the time, the tension was between the cast and director. I remember having a bad moment with the director, had a few of those." Freeman referred to Darabont's requiring multiple takes of scenes which he considered had no discernible differences. For example, the scene where Andy first approaches Red to procure a rock hammer took nine hours to film, and featured Freeman throwing and catching a baseball with another inmate throughout it. The number of takes that were shot resulted in Freeman turning up to filming the following day with his arm in a sling.
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