Bike trailers are amazing. They make it so easy to take your little kid or pet on an adventure with you on a greenbelt or bike trail, cruise around the neighborhood or around the block! Spend time together outdoors while giving your passenger a great view of the scenery while they safely riding along in their trailer. Which trailer would be best? Never fear, I've gathered five of the highest reviewed bike trailers for you viewing pleasure.
The next few hours were spent in two ER's, lots of xrays, lots of Doctors and med students but there was one pretty constant question that continued to be asked to myself and my daughter, "Were you wearing a helmet?".
Are you ready to explore all of the bike trails in Southeast Minnesota? If your family is needing another bike or you have one to sell, the Bike Swap might be the perfect solution!
This is pretty incredible video footage of a near mishap, that really ended up not being one at all, but instead a really strange moment for this person riding his bike. Saved by the very object that attacked him. It happens about 21 seconds in.