Rochester Area Employers Added 8700+ Jobs in 2024Rochester Area Employers Added 8700+ Jobs in 2024Over the past two years, the number of jobs locally has increased by nearly 14,000.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Coldest Wind Chills in Minnesota Right Now Will Freeze Your SoulColdest Wind Chills in Minnesota Right Now Will Freeze Your SoulMinnesota is getting an arctic slap in the face.Aaron GallowayAaron Galloway
Minnesota UFO Sightings Went Way Up In 2024 – Where Were They Seen?Minnesota UFO Sightings Went Way Up In 2024 – Where Were They Seen?Some of these reports are pretty wild!Nick CooperNick Cooper
Minnesota Business Fumbles Brett Favre EndorsementMinnesota Business Fumbles Brett Favre EndorsementA business with locations in Minnesota and Wisconsin is in hot water after a paid celebrity endorsement epically backfires.Tony HartTony Hart
Winter Blast Brings Slippery Roads, -20 Wind Chills to MinnesotaWinter Blast Brings Slippery Roads, -20 Wind Chills to MinnesotaPatchy freezing rain and drizzle could be mixed with light snow through Sunday afternoon.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Scary: Minnesota Towns Most At Risk Of Nuclear WarScary: Minnesota Towns Most At Risk Of Nuclear WarNuclear war has been a topic of discussion off and on for years now. In the event that a nuclear war were to happen, these are the places in Minnesota where it would be the most dangerous.Carly RossCarly Ross
Six Lives Lost in Minnesota Crashes During Final Days of 2024Six Lives Lost in Minnesota Crashes During Final Days of 2024First responders across the state responded to five deadly crashes between December 28 and December 30.TJ LeverentzTJ Leverentz
Fatal Crash Reported on Slippery Section of I-35 Near DuluthFatal Crash Reported on Slippery Section of I-35 Near DuluthThe State Patrol says the driver lost control at the exit to his home.Andy BrownellAndy Brownell
Minnesota Woman Needs Help After Scary Hit-And-Run In WisconsinMinnesota Woman Needs Help After Scary Hit-And-Run In WisconsinThe victim was found unresponsive after being run over twice while out celebrating her 25th birthday.David DrewDavid Drew
Longtime Minnesota Harley-Davidson Dealer Now Going Out Of BusinessLongtime Minnesota Harley-Davidson Dealer Now Going Out Of BusinessThe dealer had been serving the community for over 73 years.David DrewDavid Drew