
Best Selling Space Heater on Amazon
Best Selling Space Heater on Amazon
Best Selling Space Heater on Amazon
Whether you're stocking up for an emergency kit (in case your power grid fails) or you'd just like to keep warm this winter without racking up your electric bill, this little space heater is the perfect solution! It packs a punch. with over 23,000 reviews and a 4.5-star rating, it's sure to leave you feeling warm and toasty.
The Best Pumpkin Carving Kits on Amazon
The Best Pumpkin Carving Kits on Amazon
The Best Pumpkin Carving Kits on Amazon
Some of my favorite Halloween memories are scooping out a pumpkin and carving a cute face for the perfect Jack-o’-Lantern – with a parent’s supervision, of course. Pumpkin carving is here to stay, and nowadays there are a lot of pumpkin carving kits that make it easier than ever before. Some of them don’t even need knives! Take a look at this list of pumpkin carving kits I’ve put together and prepare your perfect Jack-o’-Lantern for Halloween.
Six Cute and Festive Trick or Treat Buckets
Six Cute and Festive Trick or Treat Buckets
Six Cute and Festive Trick or Treat Buckets
Listen, trick or treating is hard work. It takes a strong, determined kid to carry buckets of candy from house to house. As the night goes on, this task becomes more challenging as the collection of candy grows bigger and heavier. Every trick or treater needs to have have a sturdy trick-or-treat bucket to transport the goods and bring everything home safely. This is why I’ve put together a list of the most promising trick or treat buckets so you can be prepared for the big night!
Eight Fall Accessories to Spice Up Your Wardrobe
Eight Fall Accessories to Spice Up Your Wardrobe
Eight Fall Accessories to Spice Up Your Wardrobe
Fall is my favorite time of the year! It's the perfect time to add some cute new accessories to your outfits! Plus, some of these can be used year-round but have a definite fall vibe that'll get you in the spirit for pumpkin spice lattes, apple cider and pumpkin carving! Here's my hand-selected list of cute accessories for your fall wardrobe!
Top Water Filtration Systems on Amazon
Top Water Filtration Systems on Amazon
Top Water Filtration Systems on Amazon
Water filtration is super important for removing contaminants from your water supply! It also provides a crisper, more refreshing tasting water- far superior to bottled water. Plus, it's better for the environment- no plastic bottles in a landfill for us! Here's a list of Amazon's best rated water filtration systems!
Fall Sweaters for Your Four Legged Friend
Fall Sweaters for Your Four Legged Friend
Fall Sweaters for Your Four Legged Friend
What could be better than a cat or dog dressed in their fall best? Be it cozy and autumnal or Halloween-y and cute, there's just something magical about a pet in a sweater. I've put together a cute little list of sweaters, jackets and coats for your furry best friend!
Noise Cancelling Headphones for Peace and Quiet
Noise Cancelling Headphones for Peace and Quiet
Noise Cancelling Headphones for Peace and Quiet
Do you ever find yourself wishing you could block out annoying background noise? Maybe you’re trying to take a nap on a long flight, study in the library, or maybe there are some obnoxiously loud leaf blowers in your neighborhood that are disrupting your focus. Whatever noisy situation you find yourself in, noise cancelling headphones will save the day. I’ve put together a list of high-quality noise cancelling headphones for you, so take a look!
Never Lose Your Keys or Wallet Again
Never Lose Your Keys or Wallet Again
Never Lose Your Keys or Wallet Again
Sooner or later, it happens to the best of us: we lose sight of something. Keys, wallets or other essentials have the annoying habit of disappearing when we most need them. However, thanks to these handy dandy gadgets, our keys won’t hide forever! Take a look at this list of key finders that I've put together and see which will work best for you.
Back to School Prep: Teacher’s Gifts
Back to School Prep: Teacher’s Gifts
Back to School Prep: Teacher’s Gifts
Ah, the age-old question: what should I get my kid's teacher as a gift? Perhaps a nice shiny red apple? Kidding. I think this is actually pretty simple. Something that's useful but not overly expensive and shows them that you care and appreciate their dedication to your kiddo's education. Alternatively, you could always pitch in with your fellow parents to help pay for supplies in the classroom throughout the year! Onto the list!

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