You may remember him as some random dude we traded our All-Star catcher for. It may be that you remember him as the best closer in Minnesota Twins history.
Minneapolis, MN -- Pitcher Kyle Gibson got the biggest payday among four arbitration-eligible Minnesota Twins who have signed contracts with the team.
Gibson got a pay hike of nearly 400 percent, to two-point-nine-million dollars, even though his record was just 6-and-11 last season. Other Twin players to sign 2017 contracts were closer Brandon Kintzler, Ryan Pressley and Hector Santiago. The
The Minnesota Twins presented a check for $5,000 dollars to KROC-AM and a collaboration of the Southeastern Minnesota Miracle Field and Rochester Youth Baseball Association during Wednesday evening's Twins Caravan stop in Rochester.
On New Years Eve, 2013, at 11:58 p.m., Yaleni Santos Tohalino gave birth to baby girl Lorraine Yaleni Begazo, who weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces, at MedStar Washington Hospital Center, in Washington, D.C. Soon after, her twin brother Brandon Ferdinando Begazo was born on New Years Day, 2014, at 12:01 a...