It's the time of year in Minnesota when the most avid fans of holiday festivities have already put up their tree, hung 75,000 lights, and are almost done with their Christmas shopping. You know who you are.

For everyone else, there's no denying it's time to embrace the holiday season as the days leading up to Christmas will now start going faster the closer we get to the big day.

Growing up in Minnesota, I noticed a pattern around Christmas that began as early as the end of October, and I bet you've experienced it, too. So, I decided to painstakingly keep track of what we experience. Okay, it wasn't painful, but it was certainly fun.

Without further ado, I will share these stages of Christmas. See how many you experience, and remember we must embrace them all.

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The 14 Official Stages Of Christmas In Minnesota

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From snow-in-a-can to disco ball ornaments, childhood Christmases were pure magic—and filled with buckets of glitter. Did your favorite holiday decorations make the list?

Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz

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