The Top Five Places We Cry in Rochester (For Real)
Crying. Some people try to hide it. Some people make jokes about it (just some allergies!), and others let it go. Full-on tears anywhere. BUT, where do most of us cry in Rochester?
- In our car at the WalMart North or Target North parking lots. A few said they've let it all out a Kohl's parking lot (but that parking shopping center's parking lot is enough to make anyone cry, not sure we should make too much of that).
- At a family event. This is just a guess, but maybe during the holidays? Lots of triggers with families.
- At work. Which is chancy if its from a work problem. It is a natural and often, uncontrollable human response. But inside we are certain the boss is thinking< "Oh jeez...bring on the waterworks unstable one."
- Walking down the street. This is a bad look. Not a bad thing to do, but it is impossible to cry, walk, and look like you know where you're going when you're walking and crying.
- The grocery store Have I cried at a grocery store? No. I have in a Hallmark Store, tho...some of those cards cut kinda close, you know?
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