Will This Be Rochester’s First Toddler Ice Rink? (Pictures)
I was driving around South West Rochester yesterday, and I drove post this house with a thing in the front yard. I backed up and realized, hockey parents live here and they're making Rochester's Smallest Rink!
Look at it, low boards, proper supports to handle the body checks, a gate on the right side for a Fisher-Price TodBoni Perfect for toddlers to play hickey!
Don't believe me? At great expense, I hired a Rochester firm to show you just how realistic my idea is!
You can click the image to get a closer look.
My friend Blaine's dad used to make a rink out of their side yard. Not huge, enough to practice and play in. It was a "challenging" rink, which meant not so smooth as it could be. But definitely skate-able and so he could practice morning, noon, and night!
If you want 'em to be any good, you gotta start 'em early. Infant or toddler, get 'em some skates, and get 'em out there, even at 5am (hockey moms know!).
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