You Can Buy Your Chickens PRE-Spatchcocked in Rochester! (PHOTOS)
Back in 2017, Troy Dunken introduced us to Spatchcocking, and it may have taken a couple of years to catch on, but now it's here in Rochester/ Hy-Vee is selling spatchcocked chickens!
What is spatchcocking? Troy explained it HERE.
"Spatchcocking" is the process of flattening the bird by removing its backbone. So why should you do it? Your turkey will cook quicker and more evenly which means it'll be tastier and juicer! There's nothing worse than dry turkey!
He's right. Dry turkey or chicken is the pits. But the idea of pulling the backbone out sounds hard. Like, a lot of pulling and yanking. Bracing yourself with a knee against the counter and a foot on the chicken.
No need for all that fuss...just buy it Spatchcocked at Hy-Vee. It did cook more evenly, didn't dry out the chicken boobs, and tho the BBQ was a little hotter than I liked, I'd recommend the ol' Spatchcocked chicken to everyone.
I can't remember the price (sorry) and they're currently out of 'em on the Hy-Vee website, but I think I paid about $12 for the pack. Which is more than an un-spatchcocked chicken, but then you'd have to do the spatchcockin' yourself.
[s - Spatchcock.
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