1 Minute to Talk to the World? What 1 RochMN Mom Would Say
If you had one minute on a magical microphone that spoke to the world and everyone could understand, what would you say? Here's what one Rochester mom said...
Let The Joy Be Your Journey - by Harmony Sage
Sometimes... we get so focused on the finish line... we miss all the wonderful fun and experiences along the way... and we miss truly LIVING life.
Society teaches us to go... go... go... to achieve more... to obtain more... to be more... to want more... that life should be a certain way. And we get into the habit of chasing the next thing... continually focusing on the future... the next phase...
"I'll be happy when..."
Not living or being in the moment... not experiencing and enjoying the now...
No matter what the now is...
We have been shown and now can SEE that living in such a fast pace world maybe wasn’t the best for us... especially on a collective level.
And it seems we are being asked to slow down... simplify... and take care of what we have right now.
Rethinking and reinventing new ways to BE.
Today... Step back and reflect... where were you doing too much before and where can you let go? What have you been forced to let go that you now know it wasn’t for your highest good?
Giving you more time to be present... to enjoy... to live life to the fullest... being grateful... giving thanks!

Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM's Early Morning Show.
NEXT UP: #WorldOfHearts in Rochester
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