The 10 Commandments of Calling and Texting in 2019
This piece is inspired by two things.
a) A few friends who broke a rule.
ii) This bit in USA Today.
I like talking on the phone when I'm on the air. And that's about it. So, imagine my horror when not once, but three times in the last two weeks fairly new friends tried to FaceTime or Messenger Video Chat with me. They didn't even text first, just boom...VIDEO CALL INCOMING! ((shudder)) Just not OK.
USA Today put together a list of communication rules to follow in 2019, and most are OK, but some are just so dough-headed, so I put together...
James Rabe's 10 Commandments of Communication in 2019
1) Obviously, don’t Facebook Message Video Call or Voice Call without texting first.
2) Get an email? Reply by email, don't call or text the response (unless directed to do so).
3) No unrequested wiener pics. Ever. Even if you're OK with the person showing everyone your picture and not hiding your name and everyone being grossed out.
4) Want a callback? Leave a message. Otherwise, I’ll assume a body part dialed by mistake. Rowr.
5) It is perfectly acceptable to wish someone a happy birthday by text. In fact, I prefer it to a call. But not a card. A card is still the best.
6) There’s nothing wrong with not responding to a text.
7) There will never be a time I don’t want to see your baby / puppy / dog / cat / kitten / adorable children / cool pictures. They even make my phone happy.
8) It is totally OK to not respond to a text AND comment, post, like, etc. on social media. Scroll down to find out why this rule is so important.
9) Don't get angry when someone leaves or mutes a group text. They probably can't take all the notifications.
10) If you're leaving a long textversation, say so. Don't just disappear.
*Some people, myself included, often use social media as a way to escape. Calls, messages, and people knocking at the door = what we’re escaping (unless the door knock is pizza delivery, obvi).
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM
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