10 Minute Carbs…I Mean Rochester Garlic Pasta Dinner (Recipe)

Yesterday I had a hankerin' for pasta, garlic, Parmesan cheese, andouille sausage, and broccoli. But I did not want to spend all that time cookin'. And I found the perfect work around. You have to try this three item recipe!
Pasta is, as we all know, the shining light of delicious foods. It goes with everything but ice cream, and I'll bet, one day, they'll find a way to make that happen, too. ((happy sigh))
Next to hot pasta with butter and Parmesan and mac and cheese, my favorite is the garlic lovers pasta at Rochester, Minnesota's Peoples Food Co-op. Super garlic taste, some cheese, and pasta-y goodness.
So, as I walked outta work yesterday, I was figuring. How can I have what I want with the least amount of work? Simple...get the pasta made already. This is my first time heating up a cold salad, and I will do it again. Simply marvelous taste.
- Garlic Lovers Pasta (one $4 container should be enough for two people)
- Butt load of broccoli
- Precooked andouille sausage (or kielbasa, smokes sausage, whatever)
- Frying pan
- Olive oil
- Add a little olive oil to fryin' pan on medium high.
- Fresh or frozen, microwave the broccoli 'til it's hot.
- While that's heating, slice up a couple servings of the pasta (I cut each disk of sausage into two or three pieces...smaller = faster heating in fryin' pan).
- Throw pasta salad in fryin' pan, warm it up while moving it about now and then. Add the sausage, moving it about while it warms up. After about a minute, add the broccoli. Move it around, mix it up, and add to a bowl.
Eat it.
As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com
Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams Weekday from 6 - 10 AM on Y-105 FM
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