12 Items Dogs and Cats Love More Than Their Super Expensive Toys

It never fails! You spend a fortune on brand new pet toys that squeak and are supposed to be indestructible. You get home and your pet would rather play with an empty water bottle that cost less than $1.00. We love our pets and that's why we spend tons of cash on brand new toys for them. The reality is though, our pets are probably super happy playing with these 12 items that aren't really toys, but they play with them anyways.
Everyday items that our pets love more than their expensive toys
What non-traditional toy does your pet love the most? Let me know over on our app (just hit chat) or send me a message to my Facebook page (Jessica On The Radio) or DM me on Instagram.
I have two dogs - Indy is a Yellow Lab and Loki is a Saint Bernard. They both absolutely love playing with empty water bottles. I have to be really careful where I leave the one that I'm drinking because they are both big guys and can easily just use their teeth and grab it off of the counter. Yes, they have even grabbed full ones.
We also have issues with the stuffed animals getting torn to shreds. It never fails. If one of the kids leaves the door open to their room, we will soon have little white puffs of stuffing all over my living room. Stuffed animals come to my house to die.
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