A Gift Registry to Help Victims of Sex Trafficking
It's a wonderful way to give to someone that's experienced the worst of the world. It's a gift registry for victims of sex trafficking.
We've talked a lot about how sex trafficking in this area is a real problem. Just the other day, in fact, we had this story about a woman suspected of being a trafficking victim.
There's something called the Rise Up Gift Registry, and you can buy truly needed stuff. Sets of clothing for women and girls, and men and boys, sweats, toiletries, sheets, blankets, pillows, and even mattresses.
Things they can call their own., Things they need.
According to KTTC, this has been put together by the Mayo Clinic and the youth support group, The Link.
If you can help, please, check out the items on the registry. It's not a big registry, and everything you pay for will go directly to those in need. Items start at $15 for a basic personal care kit, to about $170 for a winter jacket.
If you're only able to give less than $15, that's OK. Throw in what you can to the Twin Bed pot, they're trying to buy 20 twin beds.
If you're reading this and you are being sexually exploited, please, call or text 612-232-5428.
This video is from a year ago, but it is still so relevant.