BATHROOM HACK: Rochester Mom Solves the Male + Bathroom ‘Problem’
Since toilets began, and probably before, men/boys + bathroom = trouble. The toilet hole is HUGE, why can't guys get it in? Cave-mom probably yelled at Cave-dad, "Why can't you get it in the whole? I put a Cheerio in there and everything!" All the guys would say is, "Ugg."
Today, the dirt hole is gone, replaced by a beautiful piece of porcelain - and yet, women still accuse men of "missing." The truth is men aren't missing (or if they are, cripes, get 'em to a doctor already). They're hitting the middle of the hole, but just like you, there's a certain amount that sprays here, there, and everywhere.
My solution has always been, "Everyone sits." But Jessica Willaims, on from 10 - 2 every weekday on Y-105FM, has an even better solution!
Check out my solution below...
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM, and 2p to 6p on 103.9 The Doc.