Brand New Technology Let’s You Be RochMN’s First Virtual Walker!
Is it a game or is it real life? It can be hard to tell, sometimes, but I know one thing for sure, it could actually save a life! Let's check out the facts.
a) It leaves you feeling so good, you'll think you were playing a game.
ii) 9 out of 10 doctors would tell you this is not a workout, but it could releive you of five-10 totally unwanted calories.
3) There is a solid chance your virtual walk will save a life. And that's 100% serious.
Look at that exhaustive list of facts. You want to do it, but you don't know how. Well, before I hand over the keys to this awesome Virtual Walking Space, let me ask you a question. Did you miss Saturday's NAMIWalks event? You wanted to donate to NAMI Southeast Minnesota, but you didn't get a chance, it's cool. We all get busy. Fortunately, there's still time for you to do your thing.
A lot of people walked, but we fell short of our goal, so you can be a VIRTUAL NAMIWalks Walker by clicking here and making a donation. But please, do it soon. From what I understand, the donation tool is only open for two weeks.
What good will it do? The list is long, but one of the vital programs is the Certified Peer Support Specialist program, where someone that's been thru the same thing you're going thru can walk with you on the path to recovery. See more here.
As a person living with depression, I am blessed to have a pretty amazing support system. As a NAMI Southeastern Minnesota board member, I can tell you first hand, not everyone has that. But, honestly, even if they do, it can often take recognizing there's a mental health problem. The education and information available thru NAMI has helped so many people start on the path to recovery and understanding.
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM, and 2p to 6p on 103.9 The Doc.