Cutest Puppy in Rochester is Getting All Dressed Up for a Cause
His name is Loki and he has been called "the cutest Saint Bernard puppy in Rochester". What makes him even more adorable, Loki is on a mission to use his cuteness to help out others.
If you haven't met Loki, I had a Q&A session with him at a park the other day to help you get to know him:
Q. What's your name?
A. Loki. Some call me Loki the Saint Bernard
Q. How old are you?
A. I was born on May 13th, 2020
Q. Oh, so your just a baby! How much do you weigh right now?
A. My mommy and daddy just weighed me and I am 31 pounds...so far.
Q. If you are ok with me asking, how much do you anticipate that you will weigh?
A. Well, I've gained about 15 pounds in 4 weeks...so, I don't know, 150, 180 pounds is my guess.
Q. I saw a picture of you with a shirt on. Do you wear clothes every day?
A. No, silly. I am wearing t-shirts, hats, handkerchiefs from nonprofits around Rochester, Minnesota, the US, or the world that get sent to me.
Q. I gotta ask. You know you are a dog, right?
A. Yes!
Q. So why are you wearing clothes?
A. I know that a lot of businesses are having a tough time right now. I hear my family talking about all of the businesses that are closing in our area and the nonprofits that were already struggling before COVID-19. I'm just trying to do what I can to help. The more awareness I can bring to those that need it...the better our world will be...even in 2020.
Q. I saw you in a red shirt. Tell me about it.
A. That was from my first photoshoot. An amazing nonprofit in Rochester called the Ronald McDonald House sent me a shirt. I just love that place.
Q. Why is the Ronald McDonald House so special for you?
A. They do so many amazing things for kids and families that come to Rochester. Without that house, many families would be stuck needing to stay in hotels or drive hours to get the help they need in Rochester. This is their 40th anniversary and the whole crew over there is just amazing and deserves all the virtual high-fives. Personally, my mommy had a sister that was really sick when she was younger and the house in Des Moines was home for her family members for a bit.
Q. If someone wanted to send you a shirt, hat, or something to wear, how do they get in touch with you?
A. I'm on Instagram! You can find me at www.instagram.com/lokithesaintbernard or you can chat with my mom.
Q. I gotta ask, who is your mom?
A. YOU, silly!
Thanks, Loki, for hanging out with me for a little chat...and for all of the puppy kisses!
Loki can't type so he asked me to pass along a few pieces of info about the Ronald McDonald House for you. Take a second, read a few of the stories at the links, and if you can, find a way to volunteer and give back to this organization. The families that need this place every day are truly grateful for this home...and you will be part of that for them:
- The Ronald McDonald House of Rochester website
- Looking back at the last 40 years
- Remi's life-saving scan
- Volunteer by donating items, pop tabs, meals, and so much more! Click here to get started.
Want to connect? Come hang out with me on my Facebook page (Jessica On The Radio) or Instagram.
Listen to Jessica Williams weekdays from 6 am until 10 am on Y105FM's Early Morning Show with James Rabe and Jessica Williams.
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