Dear Sharpie – It’s On! Sincerely, James [Pictures]
This is a washing machine. And this weekend, it proved I should still be living at home having my mom do my laundry. Seriously. e bet
My mom's big laundry rule (besides DO IT!) was, "Check the pockets...every time. Even if they're your pants."
So I did...not ever do that. Ever. And it's only bitten me via Kleenex harassment. A small price to pay for the freedom of just throwing clothes in the washer. "Check the pockets" I can hear my mom say in my head, "No way! i have better things to do than check pockets! Pshhh! As if!
Oh, look...a quarter went thru the wash, what a lovely sound it makes!
My Carmex was in my pocket? No problem, that cap is screwed on tight!
Huh! A dollar! A dollar in my pants. Hey mom, see this? A very clean dollar!
Big deal, a clean dollar, a shiny quarter, or a clean tube of Carmex. So what?
Well, today I learned so what.
This is the day the Sharpie attacked!
Look at that! One of my favorite shirts is ruined for away from home wearing!
FINE, mother. You were right.