Filtered Rochester – A Rainy Day Photo Shoot in Downtown #RochMN
I was downtown Saturday, got poked for a blood test, met a friend for lunch, and was totally in the mood to take a bunch of pictures. A lot of people filter the heck out of their selfies, but I love to do it with my non-selfie pics, too. And when it's not people, I especially like to go heavy on the "saturation" and "contrast".
If I had to pick just one theme to photograph the rest of my life, it would be "Things We Use and That Have Been Used." Like the 2nd Street Ramp. It's old, it'll be gone when they begin the big riverside project, and it's been used. So much.
I also love its shape, the incredibly difficult exit ramp curves beautifully, and the elevator / stairway is such a contrast with its rigid lines and glass. The whole thing kinda reminds me of the Fisher Price Parking Garage (one of my favorite toys when I was a kid).
The answer to the Facebook question (where was this taken) is in the slide showw....also, please comment on Facebook if you have someplace you think I should take a bunch of pictures. I'm always looking for new locations.
Listen to James Rabe in the mornings from 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM.
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