Fines Going Up Tomorrow for Violating School Bus Laws
You want to try and kill a kid? Well, keep on ignoring school bus laws here in Minnesota. If you fail to kill a kid, and with all my might I hope you do, you'll get whacked hard with fines, they're going up Tuesday!
Right now, the fine for ignoring the school bus flashing lights, stop arm, etc., is $300. Tomorrow it jumps to $500! Why the jump? Because people STILL DON'T PAY ATTENTION!
Last year, over 1,300 people were cited for violating school bus laws...in the last six years it's over 8,700 citations! For cryin' out loud!
The Minnesota Department of Public Safety says...
During the annual School Bus Stop Arm Survey earlier this year, 3,659 bus drivers across the state reported 703 stop arm violations in just one day.
So, when I say, "You want to kill a kid?" it's not harsh. It's exactly what you're doing when you aren't paying attention, when you think you can "beat the bus", or whatever bull-crap you tell yourself to make breaking the law easier.
Trust me. You kill a child, nothing in your life will be easier. Forget all the legal hell you'll be in, but you, personally, will be changed forever. You'll never stop asking, "Why did I text?" or "Couldn't I have waited another 3 minutes to eat my cheeseburger?"
According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, motorists must...
- Stop at least 20 feet from a school bus that is displaying red flashing lights or a stop arm when approaching from the rear and from the opposite direction on undivided roads.
- Motorists should slow down, pay attention and anticipate school children and buses, especially in neighborhoods and school zones.
- The best way to be aware of your surroundings at all times is to put the distractions away.
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